Eye Hurt Myself

Yesterday I had laser eye surgery of the PRK variety.

PRK is different from the more popular LASIK… in LASIK, they cut a flap and fold it back before zapping your cornea. In PRK, they scrape off the outermost layer, then zap away. It’s a little safer and can be applied in cases when you have thin corneas (as I do), but the downside is that your vision is blurrier post-surgery and it hurts more.

It hurts more. I had the surgery at 9:15 AM, and by 4 or 5, my eye was hurting quite a lot. I dug out the vicodin I had leftover from my shoulder surgery last year, forgetting that it doesn’t really do that much for me. So then I found the percocet I got after the vicodin didn’t work, and took some of that. Sure enough, THAT did the trick. Plus I felt dizzy and smooth. And time really seemed to fly.

My left eye is a little clearer this morning. When I woke, it didn’t hurt at all, but then I got to a room with a little light and… well, it started to water and hurt. Big time. A percocet seems to have done the trick, so I have about six hours of smooth dizziness, itching and freedom from pain ahead of me.

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