The other night I noticed that my TiVo had recorded another couple of episodes of “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” (as recommended here last week), so I sat down with warm anticipation and watched them.
Wouldn’t you know, these episodes were much more difficult to watch and much more unpleasant and difficult to recommend. I think if I had seen them first, I would not have recommended the show.
Having seen four episodes now, I have noticed a common thread. Each episode has a plot based around a taboo subject. The first episode dealt with welfare, unemployment insurance, and crack use. The second dealt with intergenerational sex as revenge (sleeping with an adversary’s parent). I found both amusing. Then I saw two the other night. One was about coaching children to use dirty tricks to win at basketball, including being violent. The second was about boxing and street fighting, and also including a lot of very unpleasant violence.
Maybe it’s me — I prefer sex, drugs and laziness to violence. But what do you expect — I am a liberal.
I’ll keep watching.